Wireless noise surveillance system


Even in plants where noise levels change drastically over time, noise mapping can be applied to plan work schedules that will ensure workers do not exceed specified limits for number of work hours in a noisy environment. Through the release of such solutions, Yokogawa is helping to improve health, safety and the environment (HSE) and bolster work productivity. 1. Worker health By viewing noise maps before heading to the worksite, workers can find out in real time what the noise levels will be at that location so that they can take necessary precautions such as bringing earplugs or ear muffs that are designed for the anticipated sound levels, and estimating how long they can stay in that location without experiencing hearing loss. 2. Design of work plans Occupational safety-related laws and guidelines in each country help to prevent hearing loss by limiting the number of hours personnel can be exposed to specific noise levels. Noise maps can be used to design appropriate work schedules.

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